Divorce or marriage dissolution is a controversial and complicated subject in the United States. When a couple decides to sunder their union, several factors are brought into play regarding how that process is completed. With the religious beliefs of both or either spouse; local, regional, state, and national laws governing the marriage’s legality; and the emotions of the spouses and their support system in play; the terms of marriage and divorce can go easily or difficultly, and (at least so far as legality is concerned) can result in different outcomes based on the amount of preparation each spouse has going into the process.
What Is Marriage?
From a purely legal perspective, marriage is a contract between two people. The terms of this contract can come with several legal benefits for both parties;
- Health Insurance Benefits
- Marital Tax Credit
- Legal Decision-making Benefits
- Joint Tax Filing
- Social Security Benefits
- IRA Benefits
- Prenuptial Agreement Benefits
- Inheritance Benefits
- Paternity Child Benefits
- Work Leave Benefits
While it may not be the most romantic way to view marriage, both parties benefit legally from the union. And when the contract is broken, or the two individuals decide they do not wish to continue their agreement, the marriage is dissolved.
What Is Divorce or Marriage Dissolution?
At least in Texas, there is no difference between divorce and the dissolution of a marriage contract. In fact, “the dissolution of a marriage contract” could be written as the strict definition of “divorce” in Texas law.
So, now that we’ve established no legal difference between “marriage dissolution” and “divorce,” what do those terms mean?
Divorce, or marriage dissolution, is just like any contract dissolution. If one contracted party feels that the other broke the contract’s original terms or that the costs outweigh the benefits of the marriage, either may ask for a dissolution of said contract, called a divorce.
Either party may ask for divorce legally. Once one party requests the dissolution of the marriage, there is nothing that the other party can do to stop the process by themselves. Any discontinuance of the divorce proceedings must be requested by the requesting party.
Are Their Other Options Than Dissolution or Divorce to End a Marriage in Texas?
Suppose either member of the divorcing couple proves that the marriage was not legal in the first place through non-consent, non-consummation, or that the marriage was purely for immigration purposes. In that case, they can apply for an annulment.
The State of Texas does not recognize legal separation. Even if the couple is living separately and has not filed the proper divorce paperwork, the two people are still married in the eyes of the State.
Who Can Help Me With My Divorce?
Marriage is a legal contract that takes proper documentation to enter. As such, it also takes adequate documentation to dissolve. When you’re ready to discuss the dissolution of your marriage, call 817-285-2855 to speak with a professional divorce attorney who can look at your specific issues and prepare you for the divorce proceedings as they are likely to occur.